
法国 · 巴黎】政府部门
    巴黎市警察总局(Prefecture de Police de Paris):(01)55762000








    地址:av des Champs-Elysees,8e




    地址:25-27rue des Pyramides,1er



    巴黎会议和旅游局(Office du tourism et des Congres de Paris)

    地址:25 rue des Pyramides, 第一区;




    法国总统府(La Présidence de la République)


    地址:55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris


    法国总理府(Le Premier Ministre)


    地址:19 rue de Constantine75007 Paris, France



    法国国民议会(L’Assemblee Nationale)

    地址:126, rue de l'Universite 75355 Paris 07 SP



    法国参议院(Le Sénat)

    地址:15, rue de Vaugirard75291 PARIS Cedex 06


法国 · 波尔多】政府部门
    波尔多旅游局 Office de Tourisme de Bordeaux

    (1)市中心 Town Center

    地址:12 cours du XXX Juillet,33080 Bordeaux Cedex



    (2)圣约翰火车站 SNCF Gare St-Jean Station

    地址:Rue Ch. Domercq,Esplanade arrivee,33800 Bordeaux




    波尔多会展局 Bordeaux Gironde Convention Bureau - BGCB

    地址:12,cours du XXX Juillet,33080 BORDEAUX CEDEX-FRANCE






    地址:Palais de la Bourse, 3, place Gabriel,33075 Bordeaux cedex




    警察局 Police

    地址:29, rue Casteja Bordeaux


法国 · 戛纳】政府部门
    市政府 City hall

    地址:1 place Cornut-Gentille,06400 Cannes





    戛纳旅游局 Cannes Tourist Bureaus

    地址:bd.de la Croisette(Palais des Festivals et des Congress内)




    戛纳青年信息办公室 Cannes Info Jeunesse office

    地址:5 quai St-La Pantiero

法国 · 里昂】政府部门
    里昂旅游局 Lyon Tourist Office

    1.Greater Lyon Tourist Office

    地址:Place Bellecour

    邮编:69002 Lyon



    2.Avenue Adolphe-Max 邮编:69005 Lyon



    3.Perrache Station Pedestrian Mall

    邮编:69005 Lyon





    人力资源局 Human Resources Department




    首席司法官员 Chief Court Services Officer

    地址:430 Commercial Emporia, KS 66801




    里昂法院 Lyon County Courthouse

    地址:430 Commercial Street Emporia KS 66801




    警察局 Commissariat de Police

    地址:47 rue de la Charite



    资讯局 Bureau d'Information

    地址:Perrache 中间

    网址: www.tcl.fr


    中心旅游办公室 Central Tourist Office





    SOS Médecins



    Canada Consulate 加拿大领事馆

    地址: 21 rue Bourgelat, 2e



     UK Consulate 英国领事馆

    地址:24 rue Childebert, 2e



     USA Consulate 美国领事馆

    地址:16 rue République 2e

法国 · 马赛】政府部门
    马赛旅游局 Marseilles Office de Tourisme 信息中心 Office de Tourisme





    办公时间:周一至周六09:00-19:00 周日及节假日10:00-17:00,5月1日、12月25日休息

    (职员态度殷勤,可索取一张市区地图,里面有马赛地区和旧港地图,对各名胜都有简短的介绍。市交通图(Plan de Poche Bus-Metro)内有巴士和地铁图。这里还有酒店小册子索取。旅游局在火车站亦设有分局,但所提供的资料不太多。)


    Prefecture de Police 马赛警察局


    地址:place de la Préfecture, ler


    会展旅游局 l’Office du Tourisme et des Congrès de Marseille

    地址:4, La Canebière - 13001 Marseille



法国 · 尼斯】政府部门
    尼斯旅游局 Nice Office de Tourisme

    地址1:Avenue de Thiers,Nice 6000(车站附近)


    地址2:5 Promenade des Anglais,Nice 6300




    Parc National du Mercantour 旅行社服务中心 Parc National du Mercantour headquarters

    地址:23 rue d'Italie




    尼斯Ferber旅游服务处 Nice Ferber Tourist office Branch

    地址:promenade des Anglais



    游客中心 Main Tourist Office

    地址:av Thiers


德国 · 柏林】政府部门





    柏林警察总局 Police



    柏林旅游局 Berlin Tourismus Marketing GmbH

    地址:Am Karlsbad 11

    邮编:D-10785 Berlin


德国 · 波恩】政府部门

    地址:windeckstrasse 1


    波恩旅游问讯处 BONN Tourist Office

    地址:Windckstr.9 am Muensterplatz




    旅游与会展局 Tourismus & Congress GmbH-Region Bonn / Rhein-Sieg / Arhweiler

    地址:Adenauerallee 131, 53113 Bonn




德国 · 法兰克福】政府部门
    德国国家旅游局 German National Tourist Office

    地址:Beethovenstrasse 69



    法兰克福市旅游局 Frankfurt Tourismus Bureaus (Tourismus + Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main)




    中国驻法兰克福旅游办事处 Fremdenverkehrsant der VR China in Frankfurt

    地址:Ilkenhansstrasse 6, D-60433 Frankfurt/M Deutschland

德国 · 汉堡】政府部门
    汉堡旅游局 Hamburg Tourismus GmbH

    地址:Steinstraβe 7, 20095 Hamburg



    Tourist Information at the Central Railway Station(火车站游客信息办公室)

    地址:U/S-Bahn Hauptbahnhof/Kirchenallee Main Entrance


    Tourist Information at the Habour(在汉堡港4号和5号栈桥之间的旅游信息处)

    地址:St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, beween jetty 4 and 5



    汉堡市政厅 Hamburg City Hall

    地址:Rathausmarkt 1, 20095 Hamburg




德国 · 慕尼黑】政府部门
    慕尼黑市旅游局 Fremdenverkehrsamt

    1)地址:Fraunhoferstrasse 6, 80469 Munich, Germany







    地址:Bahnhofsplatz 2




    地址:Im Zentralbereich




    慕尼黑市外国人管理局 Landeshauptstadr München Kreisverwaltungsreferat Auslaenderwesen

    地址:Ruppertstrasse 19, 80466 Munich



    慕尼黑市警察局 Polizeipraesidium München

    地址:Ettstrasse 2, 80333 Munich



    慕尼黑市海关 Hauptzollamt München

    地址:Sophiestrasse 6, 80333 Munich



    慕尼黑市劳工经济局 Refarat fur Arbeit und Wirtschaft

    地址:Herzog-Welheim-Str.15, 80331 Munich



    慕尼黑市卫生环境局 Refarat fur Gesundheit und Umwelt

    地址:Bayerstr.28a, 80335 Munchen

德国 · 海德堡】政府部门
    海德堡市政府 City of Heidelberg

    地址:Marktplatz 10, 69117 Heidelberg





    海德堡旅游会展局 Heidelberg Marketing GmbH Convention and Visitors Bureau

    地址:Ziegelhaeuser Landstrasse 3, 69120 Heidelberg

    邮编:69048 Heidelberg


德国 · 科隆】政府部门
    科隆旅游局 Cologne Tourismus GmbH

    地址:Unter Fettenhennen 19


新加坡 】政府部门
    移居与关卡局(Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, ICA)

    地址:10 Kallang Road, ICA Building, Singapore 208718




    新加坡关税局(Singapore Customs)

    地址:Singapore Customs, 55 Newton Road, #10-01, Revenue House, Singapore 307987



    新加坡民航局(Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore)

    地址:新加坡民航局,Singapore Changi Airport, P O Box 1, Singapore 918141



    经济发展局(Singapore Economic Development Board)

    地址:250 North Bridge Road, #28-00 Raffles City Tower, Singapore 179101




    卫生科学局(Health Sciences Authority)

    地址:11 Biopolis Way #11-03 Helios, Singapore 138667




    国际企业发展局(企发局)(International Enterprise Singapore)

    地址:230, Victoria Street, 7th Floor, Bugis Junction Office Tower, Singapore 188024




    陆路交通管理局(land Transport Authority)

    地址:460 Alexandra Road, #28-00 PSA Building, Singapore 119963



    新加坡海事及港务管理局(Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore)

    地址:Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), 460 Alexandra Road, #19-00 PSA Building, Singapore 119963




    新加坡旅游局(Singapore Tourism Board)

    地址:Tourism Court, 1 Orchard Spring Lane, Singapore 247729



意大利 · 罗马】政府部门




    罗马市旅游局办事处 Tourism Office

    Tourism Office:

    地址:Via Parigi 11










    Fremdenverkehrsamt ENIT:

    地址:Via Marghera 2/6




    拉格·卡洛·格多尼咨询处 Largo Carlo Goldoni:




    拉格·克拉多·里西咨询处 Largo Corrado Ricci:




    中央邮局 Main Post Office

    地址:Piazza di San Silvestro 20




    地址1:Piazza dei Capretti 69

    地址2:Via Terme di Diocleziane 30

    地址3:Via della Scrofa 61/63

    地址4:Via Arenula


    警察总局 Main Police station


    地址:Via San Vitale 11.

    Ufficio Stranieri(警察局,可处理失窃事件,以及居留许可申请——Permesso di soggiorno,居留一周以上,在酒店住宿除外。)


    地址:Via Genova 2
意大利 · 佛罗伦萨】政府部门
    警察局 Police Station(设有外事部门)


    地址:Via Zara 2

    旅游警察 Tourist Police(Polizia Assistenza Turistica)


    地址:Piazza dei Ciompi, Via Pietrapiana 50r.

    佛罗伦萨旅游局信息中心 Florence Information Center:

    APT Firenze

    地址:Via Manzoni 16

    邮编:50121 Firenze




    地址1:Via Cavour 1r



    地址2:Borgo Santa Croce 29r


    地址3:Piazza della Stazione



    地址:Pensilina Piazza



    邮局 Main Post office

    地址:Via Pellicceria.
意大利 · 威尼斯】政府部门


    警察局 Police Station

    地址:Fondamenta di San Lorenzo, Castello 5033

    威尼斯观光促进会 APT,Azienda di Promozione Turistica

    地址:Castello 4421

    邮编:30122 Venezia







    地址:San Marco, 71/f Ascensione





    地址:Lungomare Adriatico 101, Sottomarina


    邮政总局 Main post office

    地址:Salizada del Fondaco dei Tedeschi

意大利 · 米兰】政府部门
    市政府 Milan City Hall

    地址:Piazza della Scala, 2 - 20100 Milano - ITALY



    外国人事务处 The Foreigners' Bureau

    地址:Via Tadino, 12

    市立警察局 The Municipal Police Force

    地址:Piazza Beccaria, 19


    市立科技办公室 The Municipal Technical Office

    地址:Via Pirelli, 39

    登记处 The General Register Office

    地址:Via Larga, 12


    外事警察局 Foreigners'police office


    地址1:Via Montebello 26

    地址2:Via Cagni 21

    地址3:Viale Certosa 7


    地址:C.so Monforte 31, 20122 - Milano





    地址:via Tarvisio 13, 20125 - Milano





    米兰旅游局 Milan Information Center:

    地址1:MILAN:Via Broletto, 30



    地址2:Ente Nazionale Germanico per il Turismo:Casella Postale 10009



    地址3:游客咨询中心:Via Marconi 1, off Piazza del Duomo



    中心邮局 Central post office

    地址:Piazza Cordusio


    米兰市政府的“简单米兰 Milano Semplice”统一窗口

    地址1:Via Larga 12 号(第1区)

    地址2:Via Padova 118(第2区)

    地址3:Viale Ungheria 29(第4区)

    地址4:Via Tibaldi 41(第5区)

    地址5:Viale Legioni Romane 54(第6区)

    地址6:Via Quarenghi 21(第8区)

    地址7:Piazzale Stovani 3(第7区)

    地址8:Via Bovisasca 173(第9区)
意大利 · 都灵】政府部门
    警察局Police station


    地址:Corso Vinzaglio 10

    邮局 Post Office

    地址:Via Alfieri 10

美国 · 华盛顿】政府部门
    哥伦比亚特区政府 District of Columbia




    旅游及会展局 Washington, DC Convention and Tourism Corporation

    地址:901 Seventh St., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20001




    火警及紧急医疗服务 Fire and Emergency Medical Services

    地址:1923 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 102, Washington, DC 20001



    卫生局 Department of Health

    地址:825 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002



    公园及娱乐场所管理局 Department of Parks and Recreation

    地址:3149 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010



    美国公民事务及移民服务局 US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)





    国会图书馆 Library of Congress

    地址1:Thomas Jefferson Building, 1st Street S.E., between Independence Avenue and East Capitol Street

    地址2:James Madison Memorial Building, 101 Independence Ave, SE, Washington, D.C. 20540

    地址3:John Adams Building, 2nd Street S.E., between Independence Avenue and East Capitol Street




    美国国会 U.S. Capitol

    地址:Capitol Hill (at the east end of the Mall), Washington, DC




    哥伦比亚特区出租车委员会 District of Columbia Taxicab Commission

    地址:2041 Martin Luther King Junior Avenue, SE, Suite 204, Washington, DC 20020-7024




    消费者及规章制度管理局 Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

    地址:941 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002



    警察局总部 Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters

    地址:300 Indiana Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001





    交通局 District Department of Transportation

    地址:2000 14th Street, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20009



    律师办公室 United States Attorney's Office

    地址:555 4th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20530

美国 · 纽约】政府部门
    美国移民局 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service



    纽约警察局 New York City Police Department




    消费者事务办公室 New York City Consumer Affairs

    地址:42 Broadway,New York, NY 10004-1659


    纽约法律办公室 Law Department

    地址:100 Church Street, New York, NY 10007


    纽约出租车委员会 The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC):


美国 · 洛杉矶】政府部门
    洛杉矶警察局 The Los Angeles Police Department

    地址:150 N. Los Angeles St.,Los Angeles, CA 90012





    市政厅 City Hall Information

    地址:200 North Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90012




    地方检察官 City Attorney's Office

    地址:800 City Hall East, 200 North Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012


美国 · 旧金山】政府部门
    美国移民局旧金山办公室 USCIS San Francisco Field Office

    地址:444 Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94111

    邮寄地址:USCIS, 630 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94111




    加州车辆管理局旧金山办公室 San Francisco DMV Office

    地址:1377 Fell Street, San Francisco, 94117





    地址:120 Montgomery Street, Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94104




    旧金山市政交通局 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

    地址:1 South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103





    旧金山市政厅 City Hall

    地址:1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, California, 94102




    加州高级法院 Superior Court of California

    地址1:Civic Center Courthouse, 400 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102


    地址2:Hall of Justice, 850 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94103




    加州最高法院 Supreme Court of California

    地址:350 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102-4797


美国 · 圣迭戈】政府部门
    圣迭戈市政厅 City Hall

    地址:City Administration Building, 202 C St., 11th Floor, San Diego, CA 92101(市长)




    圣迭戈市警察局 San Diego Police Department

    地址:1401 Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101-5729






    圣迭戈市地方检察官 City Attorney

    地址:1200 Third Ave., Suite 1620, San Diego, CA 92101




    圣迭戈镇高等法院 San Diego Superior Court

    地址:220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101




    圣迭戈镇行政中心 County Administration Center

    地址:1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101




    圣迭戈旅游局 San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau

    地址:2215 India Street, San Diego, CA 92101


美国 · 拉斯维加斯】政府部门
    地方检察官 City Attorney

    地址:City Hall, Ninth Floor, 400 Stewart Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101





    市审计部门 City Auditor

    地址:City Hall, Plaza Level, 400 Stewart Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101





    市政府办公室 City Clerk

    地址:City Hall, First Floor, 400 Stewart Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101





    美国移民局 U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service




    联邦急难管理局 Federal Emergency Management Agency




    内华达州立公园协会 Nevada Division of State Parks

    地址:4747 W. Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, NV. 89108




    市政厅 City Hall

    地址:City Hall, 400 Stewart Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101




    市议会 City Council

    地址:City Hall, Tenth Floor, 400 Stewart Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101




    拉斯维加斯法院 Las Vegas Municipal Court

    地址:Las Vegas Municipal Court, at the Regional Justice Center, 200 Lewis Avenue, Las Vegas, NV







    内华达州最高法院 the Supreme Court of Nevada

    地址:201 S. Carson Street, Carson City NV 89701-4702


美国 · 迈阿密】政府部门
    迈阿密市政厅 City Hall

    地址:3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133





    迈阿密市地方检察官 City Attorney

    地址:444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 945, Miami, FL 33130




    迈阿密戴德镇政府信息中心 Miami-Dade County Government Information Center

    地址:Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 2510, Miami, Florida 33128




    迈阿密戴德镇地方检察官 County Attorney's Office

    地址:111 NW First Street, Suite 2810, Miami, Florida 33128




    迈阿密戴德镇法院 Miami-Dade County Courthouse

    地址:73 West Flagler Street, Suite # 242, Miami, Florida 33130




    大迈阿密区会议旅游局 Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau

    地址:701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2700, Miami, FL 33131



美国 · 夏威夷】政府部门

    地址:595 Ala Moana Drive P.O. Box 461 Honolulu, HI 96809



    夏威夷观光及会展局 Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau

    地址:2270 Kalakaua Ave. Suite 801, Honolulu, HI 96815



    夏威夷州政府投资商务旅游发展部 Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism

    地址:No. 1 Capitol District Building, 250 S. Hotel Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813




    夏威夷州政府商业及消费者事务部 Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

    地址:King Kalakaua Building aka United States Post Office Custom House and Court House, 335 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813



    夏威夷无偿法律服务 Volunteer Legal Services Hawai'i

    地址:545 Queen Street, Suite 100, Honolulu, HI 96813





    夏威夷州卫生部 Hawaii State Department of Health

    地址:1250 Punchbowl St.,Honolulu, HI 96813




    夏威夷州交通部 Department of Transportation

    地址:Aliiaimoku Building, 869 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813






    地址1:Waikiki (330 Saratoga Road)

    地址2:Royal Hawaiian Center – C building 3F

    地址3:Ala Moana Center


    欧胡岛旅游局 O'ahu Visitors Bureau




    茂宜岛旅游局 Maui Visitors Bureau


美国 · 芝加哥】政府部门
    芝加哥交通局 CTA

    地址:567 W. Lake Street, Chicago, IL 60661





    芝加哥市政府 City of Chicago



    海关及边境保护 U.S. Customs and Border Protection

    地址:610 S. Canal Street, Room 900, Chicago, IL 60607




    311城市服务 311 City Services

    地址:2111 W. LEXINGTON, CHICAGO, IL60612



    商务信息服务 Business and Information Services

    地址:50 W. WASHINGTON, SUITE 2700, CHICAGO, IL60602



    市议会 City Council

    地址:121 N. LA SALLE, CHICAGO, IL60602



    消费者事务办公室 Consumer Services

    地址:121 N. LA SALLE, ROOM 808, CHICAGO, IL60602-1202



    法律事务办公室 Department of Law




    市长办公室 Mayor's Office

    地址:121 N. LA SALLE STREET, ROOM 507, CHICAGO, IL60602



    紧急事务办公室 Office of Emergency Management and Communications

    地址:1411 W MADISON, CHICAGO, IL60607



    芝加哥警察局 Police




美国 · 波士顿】政府部门
    波士顿旅游及会展局 Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau

    地址:Two Copley Place, Suite 105, Boston, MA 02116-6501





    波士顿公共卫生委员会 Boston Public Health Commission

    地址:1010 Massachusetts Ave, 2nd Floor,Boston, MA 02118



    市议会 City Council

    地址:1 City Hall Square, Suite 550, Boston, MA 02201-2043



    紧急医疗服务 Emergency Medical Services

    地址:767 Albany Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02118



    法务局 Law Department

    地址:1 City Hall Square, Room 615,Boston, MA 02201



    波士顿警察局 Police Department

    地址:Boston Police Headquarters,One Schroeder Plaza,Boston, MA 02120-2014



    波士顿交通局 Boston Transportation Department

    地址:Room 721,1 City Hall Plaza,Boston, MA 02201

加拿大 · 多伦多】政府部门
    多伦多旅游协会 Toronto Convention & Visitors Association

    地址:207 Queens Quay West, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 1A7 Canada







    机场管理局 GTAA-Greater Toronto Airports Authority

    地址:Toronto Pearson International Airport,P.O. Box 6031, 3111 Convair Drive,Toronto AMF, Ontario - Canada - L5P 1B2





    皮尔逊国际机场 Pearson International Airport:

    Terminal 1 and 2:(416)2477678

    Terminal 3:(416)7765100


    丢失物品报失:Terminal 1 and 2:(416)7767749

    Terminal 3:(416)7767751



    地址:802-116 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON.



    加中经贸总会 全加华人协进会(平权会CCNC)

    地址:604-119 Spadina Avenue, Toronto



    加拿大移民及公民事务办公室 Citizenship and Immigration Canada


    (905)6127928(Pearson机场第一候机楼Terminal 1)

    (905)6763690(Pearson机场第二候机楼Terminal 2)

    (905)6765316(Pearson机场第三候机楼Terminal 3)


    加拿大入境咨询(Canada Immigration):(416)9734444


    加拿大海关及税收局 Canada Customs and Revenue Agency,Regional office in Toronto:(416)9738022



    食品检验检疫局 Canadian Food Inspection Agency:(905)6762545(动物)



    Peel Regional Police 地方警察局:(905)4533311
加拿大 · 渥太华】政府部门
    渥太华市政厅(Ottawa City Hall)

    地址:110 Laurier Avenue West,Ottawa, Ontario,K1P 1J1




    渥太华旅游局(Ottawa Tourism)

    地址:Ottawa Tourism,130 Albert Street,Suite 1800,Ottawa,Ontario,Canada K1P 5G4



    加拿大政府:1-800 O-Canada (18006226232)



    加拿大政府项目及服务电话(Information on Government of Canada programs and services):1-800-O-Canada (18006226232)




    地址:Economic Development and Strategic Planning Branch,Planning and Growth Management Department,110 Laurier Avenue West,Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1

    电话:(613)5802424, ext. 27814


    渥太华交通部门(OC Transpo)

    地址:1500 St. Laurent Blvd. Ottawa, ON  K1G 0Z8




    渥太华交通信息(Transit Information):(613)7414390


    渥太华交通客服中心(Customer Service Centre):(613)8423600


    渥太华交通部门失物招领(Lost & Found):(613)5634011



    地址:59 Sparks St



    首都信息中心(Capital Infocentre)

    地址:90 Wellington St




    渥太华警察(Police Service):911(紧急,如急救、犯罪)


    (613)2361222 ext 7300(非紧急)
加拿大 · 温哥华】政府部门

    地址:601 West Cordova St. Vancouver, BC





    温哥华国际机场管理局 Vancouver International Airport Authority

    地址:3211 Grant McConachie Way,Richmond, B.C. V7B 1Y7



    温哥华旅游局 Tourism Vancouver

    地址:The Greater Vancouver Convention and Visitors Bureau,Suite 210 - 200 Burrard Street,Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada V6C 3L6



    温哥华旅游信息中心 Vancouver Touristinfo Centre

    地址:Plaza Level, 200 Burrard St.,Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada V6C 3L6



    温哥华市政府 City of Vancouver

    地址:453 West 12th Avenue,Vancouver, BC,V5Y 1V4



    加拿大海关 Canada Customs:(604)6660545
加拿大 · 卡尔加里】政府部门
    加拿大政府部门免费服务电话:1-800 O-Canada (18006226232)

    卡尔加里城市协会 Calgary Downtown Association

    地址:720, 304 - 8 Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 1C2



    南阿尔伯塔商业促进局 Better Business Bureau of Southern Alberta

    地址:350, 7330 Fisher St. S.E. Calgary, AB T2H 2H8






    卡尔加里商会 Calgary Chamber of Commerce

    地址:100 - 6 Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 0P5




    经济发展局 Calgary Economic Development

    地址:731 - 1 St. S.E., Calgary TELUS Convention Centre Calgary, AB T2G 2G9




    阿尔伯塔旅游局 Travel Alberta

    地址:500, 999 - 8 St. S.W. Calgary, AB T2R 1J5




    人权委员会 Human Rights Commission:(403)2976571

    长官办公室Premier's Office:(403)2976464

    交通安全委员会 Transportation Safety Board:(403)2973466

    阿尔伯塔省免费服务电话 Service Alberta:(403)3100000

    阿尔伯塔服务电话卡尔加里服务台 The Calgary Service Alberta Help Desk:(403)2977166(周一至周五8:00-17:00)

    司法部(民法) Justice and Attorney General (Civil Law):(403)2972001


    加拿大公民及移民事务局 Citizenship and Immigration Canada:18882422100(移民)




    Canada Border Service Agency 加拿大边境事务局:18004619999(加拿大境内免费)

加拿大 · 蒙特利尔】政府部门
    加拿大政府:1-800 O-Canada (18006226232)



    旅游信息中心 Infotouriste Centre

    地址:1255 Peel Street, Suite 100 (corner of Sainte-Catherine Street West)


    1-877-BONJOUR (2665687)



    老城区旅游办公室 Tourist Welcome Office in Old Montréal

    地址:174 Notre-Dame Street East


    1-877BONJOUR (2665687)




    蒙特利尔公共交通协会 Société de transport de Montréal (STM)

    地址:Société de transport de Montréal,800 De La Gauchetière Street West,Montréal (Québec),Canada H5A 1J6




    边境事务局(移民、签证事宜) Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

    地址:400 PIace d'Youville, Suite 120,Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2C2




    魁北克移民局 Québec Immigration





    加拿大邮政 Canada Post




    蒙特利尔警察局 City of Montreal Police Service

    地址:Service de police de la Ville de Montréal, 1441, rue Saint-Urbain, Montréal (Québec) H2X 2M6


    匿名报警:(514) 3931133
加拿大 · 魁北克】政府部门
    市政厅(City Hall)

    地址:City Hall,2 rue des Jardins, Suite 312,Québec City, Québec,Canada,G1R 4S9





    国际友好关系部门Commissariat aux relations internationales de la Ville de Québec

    地址:2 rue des Jardins, Suite 326,P. O. Box 700,Québec City, Québec G1R 4S9,Canada





    魁北克城旅游局(Québec City Tourism)

    地址:399, Saint-Joseph Est,Québec, QC G1K 8E2,Canada







    地址:Poste restante,Succ. Haute-Ville,5, rue du Fort,Québec (Québec),G1R 2J0

泰国 · 曼谷】政府部门
    泰国投资局(Office of the Board of Investment)

    地址:555 Vipavadee-Rangsit Red (Opposite Central Plaza Hotel) Bangkhen, Bangkok 10900 Thailand





    商业部出口促进处(Dept. of Export Promotion,Ministry of Commerce)

    地址:22/77 Rachadapisek Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900




    泰国同业公会(Board of Trade of Thailand)

    地址:150 Rajbopit Road, Bangkok 10200




    泰国商业委员会(The Thai Chamber of Commerce)

    地址:150 Rajbopit Road, Bangkok 10200




    泰国工业联合会(The Federation of Thai Industries)

    地址:Queen Sirikit National Convention Center Zone C,4th Floor

泰国 · 普吉】政府部门
    泰国通信局 Communication Authority of Thailand

    地址:112/2 Phang Nga Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000




    普吉商务注册办公室 Phuket Commercial Registration Office

    地址:Rattanakosin 200 Pee Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉深海港 Phuket Deep Sea Port

    地址:Sakdidej Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉海关办公室 Phuket Customs Office, Region 5

    地址:Phuket Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉教育局 Phuket General Education Office

    地址:38 Damrong Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000

    电话:(076) 240550


    普吉港口主任 Phuket Harbour Master, Region 5

    地址:88/5 Sakdidej Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉保险处 Phuket Insurance Office

    地址:1/1 Montri Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉电信处 Phuket Post & Telegraph Office

    地址:Montri Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉省际合作处 Phuket Provincial Cooperatives Office

    地址:Damrong Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉移民办公室 Phuket Provincial Immigration Office

    地址:Phuket Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉区内贸易办公室 Phuket Provincial Internal Trade Office

    地址:1/1 Montri Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉公立图书馆 Phuket Public Library

    地址:Phuket Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉电信中心 Phuket Telecommunications Centre

    地址:112/2 Phang Nga Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    西南气象中心 Southwestern Meteorological Center

    地址:221 T. Maikhao A. Thalang Phuket 83110



    泰国旅游局(南部地区办公室) Tourism Authority of Thailand

    地址:Southern Office: Region 4 73-75 Phuket Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000




    普吉警察局总部 Phuket Provincial Police Headquarters

    地址:Yaowarat Rd. A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉旅游警察 Phuket Tourist Police

    地址:100/31-32 Bypass Rd. T. Rasada, A. Muang Phuket 83000



    普吉交通警察局 Phuket Traffic Police Station

    地址:1 Chumporn Rd. T. Taladyai, A. Muang Phuket 83000

泰国 · 芭提雅】政府部门


    芭提雅移民局 Pattaya Immigration Bureau

    地址:75/265 Soi 5 Jomtien Beach Rd. Moo. 12 T. Nongprue A. Banglamung Chonburi 20150



澳大利亚 · 悉尼】政府部门
    新南威尔士旅游局 Tourism New South Wales

    地址:Tourism House, Level 2, 55 Harrington Street, The Rocks NSW 2000





    地址:Level 21, 227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000




    悉尼游客中心(奥林匹克公园)Sydney Olympic Park Visitor Center

    地址:Corner of Showground Rd & Murray Rose Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park





    悉尼游客中心(达令港)Sydney Visitor Centre at Darling Harbour

    地址:33 Wheat Road, Darling Harbour(9:30-17:30)





    警察局 Police Station

    地址1:岩石区 132 George St

    地址2:悉尼中心 570 George St




    地址:Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000




    邮政总局 General Post Office

    地址:1 Martin Pl



    地址:Platform 1, Central Station



澳大利亚 · 墨尔本】政府部门
    墨尔本游客中心 Melbourne Visitor Centre

    地址:Corner Flinders and Swanston streets, Melbourne




    Werribee游客信息中心 Werribee Visitor Information Centre

    地址:Wyndham Cultural Centre, 117 Watton Street, Werribee





    地址:6 Chan Street, Belconnen ACT 2617







    地址:Ground Floor, Customs House, 414 La Trobe Street, GPO Box 2809AA, MELBOURNE VIC 3001





    基础设施部 The Department of Infrastructure

    地址:Level 14, 80 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia





    地址:Level 10/535 Bourke Street, Melbourne




    墨尔本邮政总局 Melbourne GPO

    地址:cnr Little Bourke & Elizabeth Sts




    地址:Spring Street, East Melbourne 3002


澳大利亚 · 堪培拉】政府部门
    澳大利亚最高法院 High Court of Australia

    地址:Parkes Pl, Parkes




    邮局 Main Post Office

    地址:53-57 Alinga St, Civic



    澳大利亚首都观光协会总部 Australian Capital Tourism Corporation's Head Office



    澳洲税务局 Australian Taxation Office

    地址:Ground Floor, Ethos House, 28-36 Ainslie Avenue, Civic Square ACT 2600(周一到周五开放)





    澳洲移民局 Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs



    澳大利亚首都行政区(堪培拉)地方政府 Australlian Capital Territory (ACT) Government














澳大利亚 · 布里斯班】政府部门
    昆士兰旅游局 Tourism Queensland

    地址:30 Makerston St, Brisbane





    大堡礁海洋公园管理局 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

    地址:2-68 Flinders Street, PO Box 1379, Townsville QLD 4810, AUSTRALIA




    澳大利亚邮政局 Australia Post-Wintergarden Centre

    地址:Post Shop, 2nd fl, Wintergarden Centre, Queen St Mall




    环保局下属信息服务中心 Naturally Queensland

    地址:160 Ann St




    布里斯班市政府 Brisbane City Council

    地址:Library and Customer Centre, 266 George Street, Brisbane


香港 】政府部门





























澳门 】政府部门























































































































海外伴侣 专业景点信息、旅游攻略,助你轻松境外游
